Online Supporting Mental Health and Substance Use

Online Supporting Mental Health and Substance Use

Our training attracts attendees from a wide range of sectors and we encourage active participation in our sessions through group discussions, and by inviting individuals to offer comments on issues relevant to their role. If you have any concerns about participating within this interactive format please highlight this in the additional needs section of the booking form.   

By the end of the session participants will be able to: 

  • Recall the prevalence of people with co-existing substance use and mental health issues. 
  • Describe the relationship between mental health and substance use. 
  • Gain an overview of common mental health conditions. 
  • Identify the impact of stigma in relation to drug use and mental health. 
  • Identify how to support and signpost people affected by mental health and substance use issues. 
  • Understand the importance of self-care when working in a support setting. 


Event Properties

Start Date 17-04-2025
Start Time 9:15 am
End Date 17-04-2025
End Time 1:30 pm
Available places 0
Individual Price Free
Event Type Core Skills
Local Authority Area Dumfries and Galloway
Event Commissioner Scottish Government
Location Online via Microsoft Teams

Event Trainer(s)

Alan McRobbie

Sorry, the event is now full and we could not accept more registration

Our Office

Scottish Drugs Forum
91 Mitchell Street
G1 3LN

T: 0141 221 1175

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